About Tessa
Tessa Woodward was born in Devon, England, went to university in London, and had many different jobs before settling to the teaching, and training of teachers, of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). This choice of career, plus natural curiosity, has taken her to many different countries including the USA, Japan, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and much of Europe. Tessa worked for over 30 years as a teacher and teacher trainer and the Professional Development Co-ordinator at Hilderstone College, Broadstairs, Kent, UK. She was also the Founder Editor of The Teacher Trainer for Pilgrims Language Courses in Canterbury, Kent, UK. (www.tttjournal.co.uk). As TTTJ Editor, Tessa brought out three issues a year of the journal for 34 years and contributed many articles to the periodical herself.
Tessa is a Past President of the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (www.IATEFL.org). She founded the IATEFL Special Interest Group for Teacher Trainers. Her TESOL books have been short-listed for awards. Tessa founded an award herself called The Fair List, UK and she was awarded the British Council ELTONS Innovations Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018 (which is when the photo above was taken).
Her page is on ResearchGate.
Although her working days were busy with TESOL-related writing, Tessa has always enjoyed general interest writing. Since going part-time, Tessa has been enjoying learning how to write short stories too.
She lives in a hamlet in East Kent with her husband Seth Lindstromberg who researches and publishes in the field of Applied Linguistics.

'Doing research'