Welcome to
Tessa's Writing
Welcome to Tessa Woodward’s writing website. This site is designed to gather information about the different kinds of writing she does, all in one place.
This includes nine TESOL books, chapters contributed to eleven other TESOL edited collections, over one hundred TESOL articles, and texts on civil rights, thinking, self-awareness, creativity and the environment. Over the last few years she has also started writing short stories and short sketches for play readers. These have been published, and broadcast by the BBC.

Available from the author
Short Comings, the second collection of short stories, is on the subject of people's endearing weaknesses and foibles. The accompanying CD has many of the stories read out loud and these have featured on Leo Ulph's 'Upload' programme on BBC Radio Kent. If you would like a copy of the booklet and CD, please contact me via the Contact page.
Also available late 2022 is the booklet, 'Short Sketches for Play Readers'. This selection of seven humorous dialogues, one sided dialogues and monologues provides a couple of hours of entertainment, play reading practice and discussion for a versatile play reading group. A set of twelve is available for loan from the Music and Drama Library, Kent County Council, Unit 13a Mills Road, Quarry Wood, Industrial Estate, Aylesford, Kent. ME20 7 NA. For single PDF copies, please get in touch via the Contact page.
First of all, Light and Shadow is the author's third collection of short stories. The theme this time is the occurrence of good bits and bad bits in life, often at the same time! Many of the stories have featured on Leo Ulph's 'Upload' programme on BBC Radio Kent. For more information and some sound recordings, please go to the Short Stories page. If you would like a copy of the booklet, please contact me via the Contact page.
And from the summer of 2023, a brand new full length piece of fiction is available on kindle and in paperback. It's called 'In the Middle of Somewhere' and is an amusing set of episodes about what Down from Londoners or DFLs find when they move to the countryside expecting peace and quiet. You can find it by clicking on this book link:

Available from the author from 2022.
New from the author in 2023.

With thanks to Phill Burrows for creating the cartoons and illustrations